Developed/Designed 2.5D platformer for VR in Unreal Engine 4
Reduced Input delay of engine from 8 frames down to 4 frames by rewriting input system
Created adjustable camera system that adepts to each person to reduce motion sickness
Optimized game to run on systems less than Oculus Rift CV1 Requirements
Designed/developed system allowed designers to take control of the camera without the user getting motion sick in VR
Developed Dynamic Camera system that would adjust camera movement speed based user head movement to reduce motion sickness.
Displayed at NYC VR, NYC Arcade 2015, Cornell Tech Disruptive Tech Day, Indiecade East 2015/2016, Playcraft NYC Summer/Spring Expo 2015/2016, Game A Con 2015, NYC Arcade Winter/Summer Expo 2015, PAX East 2016, Google Demo Night 2016, MagFest 2017.
Game A Con 2015 – Best Technology (Link)
Mention in Eurogamer(Link), Gizmodo (Link 20min mark), SkilledUp (Link), PopMatters(Link), TheInk(Link), Nardio (Link), Nerdier Tides (Link)
Art: Vincent DeLuca, Brandon Hatcher, Nicholas Krauss, Ian Davies
Voice/Music/Writing: Christopher Hopkins, Katie Muller, Tom Fruehsamer